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Map calendar

May 21, 2023 : Circassian Day of Mourning
Commemoration of the Circassian genocide (1864-1867)


Every May 21 represents the day of mourning for the Circassian peoples, indigenous of the Caucasus, and their descendants scattered throughout the world. Commemorated the Tsitsekun, or Circassian genocide, carried out by Imperial Russia during its conquest of the northern part of the Caucasus between 1864 and 1867.


The map produced for this occasion situates the territorial expansion of the Circassian populations before the genocide and their current presence, with mention of the diaspora. Note that only Abkhazia has been able to maintain its indigenous population, 

January 21, 2023 : 130 years since the execution of Louis XVI
Anniversary of the death of King Louis XVI of France

On January 21, 1793, King Louis XVI of France was executed following his sentence for treason.

If France was a pioneer in the republican transition on an international scale, it only turned to a lasting republican system in 1871, while the rest of Europe did so gradually during the 20th century. .

We can delimit some certain cohesions in the periods of abolition of the monarchy : the end of the First World War (Germany, Austria, Russia or Turkey), and that of the Second (Italy, Ireland or Iceland), often giving way to communist regimes (Bulgaria, Hungary or Yugoslavia).

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October 2, 2022 : 64 years of Independence for Guinea
Independence Day of the Republic of Guinea


First African colony independent from France following a referendum organized a week earlier, on September 28 of 1958, Guinea will remain in the collective imagination as a symbol of liberation from colonialism.

However, it was in 1960 that the majority of African states gained their independence, which earned it the nickname of year of africa.

August 15, 2022 : Acadians return from exile
Acadian National Day

Le Grand Dérangement, an euphemism designating the deportation of Acadian populations between 1755 and 1763 during the invasion by the British army of the French colonies in North America.

The National Acadian Day coincides with the lifting of exile, the date from which they will be authorized to return to what today corresponds to the Atlantic provinces of Canada.

However, some of them, settled in Louisiana, remained there, whose descendants, called Cajuns, maintain the transmission of their culture.

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August 1, 2022 : Carrulim Tradition
Pachamama Festival


While Mother Earth Day, Pachamama, is common to many South American countries, the carrulim tradition is Guarani. Liqueur made from sugar cane, common rue and lemon, it is drunk in three glasses on an empty stomach every first of August in order to obtain its benefits during the coming year.

The opportunity to appreciate the geographical expansion of the Guarani people, whose language is co-official in Paraguay, Bolivia and some Argentine provinces.

June 22, 2022 : Inti Raymi
Sun Festival

Celebration of the Inti Raymi, an Andean tradition inherited from the Inca Empire, the Tawantinsuyu, by an approximate reproduction of the distribution of the main languages spoken there at its peak.

It is also necessary to specify that the great dialectal diversity of the different linguistic components mentioned is not taken into account.

This map is captioned in the standard Quechua language, an idiom now co-official in Bolivia and which served as a lingua franca for many Andean peoples.

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March 20, 2022 : Nowruz
Persian New Year

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Nowruz , a festival of Persian origin celebrated annually by various Middle Eastern and Eurasian populations to mark the transition to the new year.

The opportunity to appreciate, on a map of the region, the geographical extent of the peoples considered as Persian, from the Kurds to the Pashtuns, via the Ossetians, the Baluchis or the Tajiks.

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